Hi, I am Juniper Lovato (pronouns: she/her) I am a Research Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Vermont and a member of the Vermont Complex Systems Center.

My Research Labs: Computational Ethics Lab

Current Boards: St John’s College Alumni Association Board, Network Science Society, MAKE Santa Fe, US Northeast Chapter of the Complex Systems Society, Vermont Computer Science Alliance


Juniper Lovato is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vermont and is an active member of the Vermont Complex Systems Center. Her current research centers around data ethics, fairness, accountability, transparency, the science of stories, and open-source ecosystems. Drawing from a diverse set of disciplines, including computational social science, computer science, complex systems, and networks, she applies various tools and methods to explore these critical areas. She is a Co-PI of the EPSCoR Track-1 award, The Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories (SOCKS), focused on the science of stories and the PI of VERSO, an Open Source Program Office at the University of Vermont funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. 


Juniper earned her Ph.D. in Complex Systems & Data Science from the University of Vermont, and her MALA in the Classics from St. John’s College. Her previous role involved contributing to education initiatives as the Director of Education for the Santa Fe Institute.


Beyond her academic pursuits, Juniper is deeply engaged in community initiatives. She is the inaugural Vermont regional partner with Code.org and played a key role in co-founding the Vermont CSTA and the Vermont Computer Science Alliance. Additionally, she actively contributes to the boards of the Network Science Society and the Northeast Chapter of the Complex Systems Society. She is also the founder of the makerspace Make Santa Fe. With a focus on education, Juniper has created over 80 STEM education programs globally.


Current research interests: ethics, fairness, accountability, and transparency, privacy, the science of stories, computational social science, complex systems, networks, computer science, data science, and open source

Current research projects: Ethics in AI-generated art models and LLMs, wearables, distributed consent, privacy policies, the science of stories, narrative bias, data sharing practices, data ethics for data science, open source ecosystems, data sovereignty, and deepfakes as diverse misinformation.

consulting services

Data science and data ethics consulting services through Data Luminosity LLC. Please get in touch with me directly for inquiries.


Address: Juniper Lovato, University of Vermont, Office 405 Innovation Hall, 82 University Pl, Burlington, VT 05405

Email: juniper.lovato ‘at’ uvm dot edu

Twitter: @juniperlov

Mastodon: @jlovato@fediscience.org

Google Scholar Profile

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Photo of Juniper Lovato by InsightFoto inc.